Eligibility to appear for Examination
To be eligible to appear at the term-end examination in any course, the students are required to fulfill the following conditions:
- a. They should have paid the Programme / Tuition fee due for that year
- b. They should have opted and pursued the prescribed Programme
- c. They should submit the examination form on time
- d. The admission to the course should have been approved by the University.
Instructions Related to Examination
- See calendar of events for the last date for the payment of examination fee.
- Students will appear for the examination at the Examination Centre allocated to them and not at any other Centre without specific permission of the Registrar (Evaluation).
- Examination Centre once opted shall not be changed. If students wish to change, they have to pay Rs.1000/- and obtain the permission of Registrar (Evaluation), before submitting the application form for examination.
- Announcement of Results : Results will be announced on the website (www.ksoustudycentres.com)
- Examination application and the challan can be obtained in the Study Centres/ Regional Centres at free of cost and also can be downloaded from KSOU website.
- Examination fee has to be paid through Demand draft. Once the fee is paid, it will not be refunded or adjusted for any examination even though a student is absent for a particular examination.
- Students should obtain the admission ticket for the examination from the Chief Superintendent of the examination Centre three days before the commencement of the examination. Admission ticket will not be sent to the candidates by post.
- Students can answer examination in Kannada or in English. English medium students can answer examination in Kannada and Vice-versa also.
- Candidates appearing for the examination for the first time shall pay the prescribed fee for all the papers / courses irrespective of the number of papers / courses they wish to appear.
Students are required to submit assignments according to the prescribed schedule before the term-end examination. In case, the student has not submitted the assignment within the prescribed date, the result of such candidate will be declared on the basis of the theory marks only.
Scheme of Examination
Please see the prospectus for more details
Examination Fee (Subject to Change)
Students can obtain the details of fees by buying the prospectus.
Examination Time-table
Schedule of Examination dates indicating the date and time will be sent to all the Regional Centres/Examination Centres within 15 days before the commencement of Examination. The students can obtain the detailed Time-Table from their nearest Regional Centre or Examination Centre. They can also log on to www.ksoustudycentres.com No individual intimation will be sent to the student regarding Examination Time Table.